Last week the ACCA, Association of Chartered Accountants, published a report detailing the top ten most in demand across the globe skills that trainees must have to get ahead. According to the ACCA "One of the best ways to get the job you really want is to keep track of the skills that employers are looking for – and to ensure that ensure your skills set marry up". Their focus is largely on the financial sector but these skills can apply to all sectors as pointed out by the Recruitment Times "Keeping track of your skills and adding new ones to your career portfolio will only benefit your job search and contribute to landing a dream job. Businesses look for top talent and will pay larger salaries to recruit and retain trainees with the right abilities." The top in-demand skills are as follows: Strategic decision making and commercial skills. Industry-specific knowledge and regulation. Good technical knowledge Confident team player Good initiative Adaptable and open to change Time and good project management Loyalty to the job and company Keen to learn and improve Good customer service skills. These skills may seem simple and just like common sense but you would be surprised the number of people entering the workplace who have very little or none of these skills in their portfolios. Last month we talked about what exactly the key is to finding your dream job in an ever-changing job market and these skills will play a big part in that. The key to finding success in your chosen field is honing and constantly improving these skills. The message is clear; you must always be upskilling no matter your sector. If you would like any more information or would like to have a chat with one of our expert recruiters on how we can help you with your skill building please feel free to contact us