Throughout the course of the pandemic, video conferencing and interviewing had an astronomical boom as employers looked for ways to stay visually connected with staff and prospective employees. While some businesses have begun to return to the office, we predict that video interviewing is here to stay. If you're in the job hunt at the moment, it's very likely that your next interview will be a Zoom or Teams call! So, how do you prepare for a video interview? Our consultant Sarah ([email protected]) from our fantastic Galway branch has given us her 5 top tips for online interviews. Check out these tips below: Preparation is Key For video interviews, you should still prepare yourself like you would for any other interview situation. This means researching the company in the same way, preparing common interview questions, and coming up with some questions to ask your interviewer in return. The interview team is still looking for a person who is knowledgable and passionate about their role they’re applying to- be ready to show them that is you! Also bear in mind that you wouldn’t walk into the building for a 3pm interview at exactly 3pm, so you shouldn’t cut it so close for a video interview either. Prepare your computer by closing all extra windows and tabs. Open up the program where your video interview will take place a few minutes early, giving yourself a few minutes to relax before it begins. Dress to Impress An interview is an interview, so while the urge to be less formal in your own home is completely understandable, it may send out the wrong message to the potential employer! Wearing a more business appropriate or formal outfit can help to get you in the interview mindset. Test Your Tech Cut out the “can you hear me now?” moments by testing out your tech setup ahead of time using the same platform. Your consultant at Staffline would be happy to do a test call on the chosen platform with you ahead of the interview! We usually do these calls with you one hour ahead of time to check out lighting, sound, connection and if we “can hear you now". When you go into an office, the company and your interviewer are in charge of the physical setting, but for a video interview, you are. So make sure you create a good impression with your physical shot! Practice Your Video Interview Skills Ahead of Time If you’re not used to video chat, we would be more than happy to spend some time with you and do a mock run through an interview. If you want to practice alone, a handy tip if to record yourself and play it back. Non-verbal communication is so important in any conversation, and video interviews are no exception. In a video interview, we are typically unable to fully show body language. This is why it is vital to use your face, instead of “mm-hm” or “yeah,” in agreeement, try to nod and smile, that way your interviewer gets feedback from you without being cut off. This is just good life advice in general, but sometimes over video chat, jumping in too soon may come across as rude, even if you do not mean to be! Treat Your Video Interview Like a Conversation ​This is key for any interview, but it’s especially important to treat your video interview like a conversation because that’s the only way you’ll be able to make a connection. You don’t have the time before and after the interview to make small talk, so it’s important to make sure you build rapport during your interview. So be yourself and be confident in your abilities. You've got this! If you are looking for work in any area or sector across the island of Ireland, we can help you out! Staffline Ireland has over 450 live vacancies available at the moment, so no matter your skill level or background, your needs or abilities, we have something for you. Visit for 24/7 access to our entire catalogue of positions or get in touch with your local branch to see how our award winning consultants can help you or your business today!