Are you struggling to find a graduate job? According to a report from CIPD in 2017 just under 52% of graduates struggle to secure employment after finishing their degree.
As we head into the final stretch of 2019, we need to ask ourselves why do our graduates not feel suitably equipped to tackle the working world face on?
A recent article by FE News states that there are three main aspects of the postgraduate recruitment process that graduates struggle with the most:
Deciding what area they wish to pursue a career in.
Writing an engaging and effective CV.
Having a sure and confident presence in an interview with a prospective employer.
These claims are backed up by statistics from a recent survey by Graduate Coach state that a whopping "90% of respondents said they found it difficult to work out what job would suit them best. With around 1200 graduate job titles in existence, Graduate Coach experts say it is extremely difficult for students to pinpoint the titles and roles aligned to their skill set, interests, and ambitions. 86% of respondents said they find it difficult to create a good CV. Equally, 85% said they find interviews difficult and nerve-wracking."
What can we take from these findings? There is a serious problem with confidence and our graduates. These prospective employees are the workforce of the future and they feel utterly unprepared.
Staffline Recruitment Ireland has recently launched our #StafflineGrads campaign. Whether you are a recent graduate struggling to secure that perfect job or still in university with graduation looming ahead, we want to hear from you! We can help you build the most eye-catching CV, prepare you to put your best foot forward at interviews and with hundreds of roles across a variety of sectors and exclusive partnerships with the best businesses in Ireland, we can help you find the job that is just right for you.
If you'd like to know more or have a chat about what we can offer to our #GraftonGrads, don't hesitate to get in contact at [email protected]

#StafflineGrads: What Are Graduates Struggling With?